3 Gentle Approaches for Your Emotional Cleanse
Cleanse your emotional energy for loving relationships and calm connections.
Emotional Cleanse
In my blog Four Ways to Embrace Your Self-CARE, I shared that true self-CARE is about self-Connection, self-Acceptance, self-Response-ability and self-Expression. Each of these includes a mental, an emotional and a physical component, so you need to cleanse what no longer serves you and replace it with positive energetic beliefs, emotions and behaviors for more peace, love and abundance in your life. In the last blog, you started with a mental cleanse. Next you give yourself an emotional cleanse by:
Being Your Own Best Friend
Centering in Love
Responding with Love
Cleanse your emotional energy by treating yourself as you would your best friend, by loving all aspects of yourself and by shifting your fearful reactions to love-filled responses.
Being Your Own Best Friend
Connect with and communicate with yourself from a state of centered, compassionate confidence. You can’t truly care for yourself if you’re constantly looking to outside sources for how you should think, feel and act.
You control your thoughts, emotions, words and actions. You get to choose for yourself. No one else can choose for you, and you can choose for no one else. Even when you think you’re following someone else’s ways, you are following them because you consciously choose to follow them.
Have the same level of compassion for yourself that you would have for your best friend. When you’re feeling sad or tired or overwhelmed, give yourself a break. When you’re feeling lonely, remind yourself how lovable you are, then treat yourself to a special reward, which could be a playdate with yourself or with another friend or family member.
Deep Listening
Connect with your deepest self to decide how and what you want to think, feel and do. Decide based on what you truly want to experience in your life. Choose each belief, emotional response and behavior in alignment with your decision.
Deeply listen to your brain, heart and gut to test whether your decision is truly in alignment. If you notice your brain trying to make sense of something that doesn’t make sense, then something isn’t rational. If you notice your heart feels heavy with an emotional response, then something isn’t connecting well. If you notice your gut feels tied in a knot or churning with butterflies, then some action or physical aspect is off. Refine your decision and retest until your intellectual, intuitive and instinctual intelligences all align with your vision..
Encouraging Self-Talk
Talk to yourself like you were your own best friend. Refrain from beating yourself up for your mistakes. Encourage yourself to learn the lesson and move on to your next step. You wouldn’t berate a toddler for falling while learning to walk; you would encourage them to try again. Have the same level of understanding and encouragement for yourself when you’re learning something new.
Centering in Love
Centering in love empowers all your connections - with yourself, others and all LIFE. You start by loving and appreciating yourself just as you are, including all the past, present and future versions of yourself.
Send Love to Yourself
Self love is the best way to boost your emotions. Loving yourself as your own best friend and affirming that you are loved and lovable boosts your emotional energy significantly.
Take a few moments to sit and center within yourself. Focus on your heart space. Imagine your heart chakra is like a cup, filling with the golden liquid energy of unconditional love. Watch as the cup is overflowing, sending the golden love into the rest of your body filling every cell with love until your body is full of love. As it continues to flow, love expands to 3 feet beyond your body in every direction, creating an aura of golden unconditional love that will continue to bathe you in love. Your aura will allow nothing but love to pass through it. Anything that is not love will be transmuted into love or reflected back to its sender.
Feel this deep love for yourself anytime you want to by refilling your cup and bathing yourself in an aura of the golden liquid energy of unconditional love.
Appreciate Yourself
Accept yourself from head to toe, inside and outside, past experiences and current circumstances. You are the perfect combination needed to exquisitely bloom as your unique expansive self.
Appreciate all the accomplishments, relationships and abundance you have already created in your life. Be grateful to yourself for all the steps you have taken so far in your journey - all the joyful experiences and the meaningful lessons.
Accepting yourself exactly as you are allows you to be more authentic, open and vulnerable in asking for what you need and setting boundaries for how you expect to be treated by others.
Integrate All the Parts of Yourself
Have compassion for your younger self and all the challenges she faced. Appreciate how far you’ve come in your life. Communicate with your future self for motivation and guidance. She’ll also remind you how far you’ve already come and that you already have everything you need inside you to achieve your vision. Keep taking one step at a time.
Learn from the past, but don’t live there. Aim for your future, but don’t live there. Be fully present with your confident, competent adult self that you are in this moment.
Responding with Love
The biggest struggles related to your emotional energy are based on your reactions to current situations from the perspective of past events and the emotions they trigger. You might hear yourself using general terms like ‘always’ and ‘never’ as you experience anger, fear or sadness. Your method of evaluating current situations is based on your cultural norms when you were young and mimicking your family of origin, your teachers or other authority figures and your peers, siblings and older friends.
Emotionally shift from fearful reactions to love-filled responses. You can choose to control your emotions. Respond appropriately to your feelings. Expect every situation to result in a win for all and send expansive energy to all in that intention. Own your feelings. No one can make you feel a certain way. Your response to the situation causes your feelings. You can choose to change your response in a way that allows you to deal with the situation more productively and responsibly.