3 Essential Methods for Your Mental Cleanse

Cleanse your mental energy for peace of mind and confident presence.

Mental Cleanse

In my blog Four Ways to Embrace Your Self-CARE, I shared that true self-CARE is about self-Connection, self-Acceptance, self-Response-ability and self-Expression. Each of these includes a mental, an emotional and a physical component, so you need to cleanse what no longer serves you and replace it with positive energetic beliefs, emotions and behaviors for more peace, love and abundance in your life. Start with a mental cleanse by:

  • Questioning Your Perspective

  • Claiming Your Deeper Truth

  • Focusing Your Attention on Your Intention

Cleanse your belief system by considering other perspectives, eliminating limiting beliefs and focusing instead on your vision of a life you would love.

Questioning Your Perspective

Your perspective is your lens through which you view your world, your reality. Your lens can color your view and change your perception of reality.

Perspective = Reality

Understand and accept that your reality is based on your unique perspective. Nobody else in any situation is going to have the exact same perspective as you. You may overlap in some areas with some people on your left and in other areas with some people on your right. 

Your perspective will be influenced by your memories associated with similar circumstances. You will also use confirmation bias to find evidence to support your assumptions about your perspective. 

You will form opinions about the situation based on your perspective. Some of your opinions or some parts will likely overlap with some facts. Other opinions or parts will likely have no relationship to the facts. 

Even those facts don’t always explain the whole truth, such as the underlying reasons why the participants behaved as they did in the situation. Searching for the underlying truth will lead to wisdom.

Questioning Your Answers

Since your reality is based on your unique perspective and may therefore be flawed, you must constantly question your answers based on new information as received. 

Strive to have conversations that search for the truth instead of trying to convince each other that you are right. Listen to other people’s perspectives. Even if you don’t agree with their conclusions, you’ll at least understand why they believe what they believe. 

The key is to strive to find evidence that both supports and refutes your perspective to help you judge more accurately whether your interpretation of a situation is accurate. It is your responsibility to continue learning and growing in every aspect of your life. 

Claiming Your Deeper Truth

The biggest struggles related to your mental energy are based on your limiting beliefs. Most of these beliefs have been with you since childhood and were shaped by your family of origin, by your teachers and other authority figures, and by your peers and older siblings and friends. Some of the beliefs were necessary for childhood. Others were imposed by social and cultural norms of that time and location.

Your mindset controls your perception. You can’t expand your mindset for the benefit of all if your thoughts and beliefs are based on other people’s disempowering thoughts and beliefs about you instead of your authentic Truth. 

Whether or not any of these limiting beliefs hold any truth, claiming these beliefs as your own turns them into self-imposed limitations preventing you from living your vision. The only way to shift these limiting beliefs is to release their power over you and claim your powerful Truth.

Denials and affirmations are the best method for eliminating limiting, negative, harmful beliefs. Deny the belief any power over you. Treat those negative limiting beliefs like a tiny ant hill that you barely even notice. Step over them and move forward. Focus instead on affirming the truth. Choose to think positive thoughts and to believe expansive beliefs. 

The 3 common limiting beliefs are Shame, Isolation and Lack. Shift from limiting beliefs to limitless possibilities to cleanse your mental energy.

Beliefs about Yourself - Shift from Shame to Shine 

Your current identity is based on your beliefs about yourself. Shift from limiting to empowering beliefs to expand your awareness of your highest potential that already exists within you.

Limiting beliefs about yourself typically stem from a sense of shame. Believing you’re not good enough or that you’re “too much” (too loud, too quiet, too eccentric, too standoffish, too big, too small, too much of any opposite traits) is based on the underlying belief that something is inherently wrong with you. This leads to fears that you’ll never be good enough or you don’t deserve to be successful.

If you think you’re not good enough to deserve what you want in life, then tell that belief it is an insignificant ant hill, step over it, and affirm that you deserve to live a happy, healthy life, by the mere fact that you are alive and breathing! 

If you believe for any reason that you can’t achieve your successful life, because you are not good enough, then you will never achieve it. If you believe you can achieve your successful life, because you are good enough, then you will move mountains to achieve it.

Confidence comes from appreciation of your own abilities and qualities, the places where you shine your light, where your competence shines brightly.

Beliefs about Other People - Shift from Isolation to Interdependence

Limiting beliefs about other people typically stem from a sense of isolation. Believing you don’t belong in the successful group or deserve the love of family and friends is based on the underlying belief that love and acceptance is conditional on your behavior, and you are inherently unlovable. This leads to fears that you’re not as good as other people and will never be accepted in the “successful” group or feeling like an imposter if you have entered the group. You don’t feel lovable, so you isolate yourself and don’t let others see the real you. You don’t take chances on having deep meaningful relationships, because they would never last.

If you think you’re not lovable, then tell that belief it is an insignificant ant hill, step over it, and affirm that you deserve to have deep loving relationships because you are an integral part of all LIFE in the natural flow of unconditional love moving through you. Send love to all and feel that love flowing back to you.

If you believe for any reason that you can’t have the loving and mutually respectful relationships that you envision, then you won’t have them. If you believe you can have loving and mutually respectful relationships in your life, because you are loving and lovable, then you will energize and deepen your relationships until they reach the level in your vision.

Beliefs about LIFE Itself - Shift from Lack to Limitless

Limiting beliefs about LIFE Itself typically stem from a sense of lack.  Believing you don’t have enough time, money, energy and other resources is based on the underlying belief that there are not enough resources for everyone and you don’t deserve to have your needs fulfilled. Much of this belief is based on comparisons and trying to be like everyone else whether or not those choices resonate with you. If you or your parents or their parents grew up poor, then no matter how many resources you have, you probably have a fear of not having enough or that it might disappear at any moment, because of your family’s beliefs.

Deny those limiting beliefs. For example, if you’re a creative person who has been instilled with the “starving artist” belief, then deny that belief any power over you. Tell that belief that it is an insignificant little ant hill. Step over it, and affirm the truth. Lots of creative people are very successful in money and recognition. If they can do it, so can you. You will receive all you need to fulfill your life purpose. All you need to do is open your awareness to your opportunities.

If you believe for any reason that you’ll never have all you want in the life you envision for yourself, then you will never have it. If you believe you can have all you need and want in your life, because you deserve an abundant life, then you will receive all your soul’s desires.

Notice when the limiting beliefs try to return to drag you back into your negative belief comfort zone. Remind yourself how good it feels to step outside that comfort zone, how energized you feel when you affirm expansive thoughts and beliefs about yourself. Deny the limiting beliefs any power over you. Affirm the truth instead, repeatedly. Be the person who claims your truthful affirmations. Notice how your mind is calm and peaceful when you release limiting beliefs and affirm your Truth. The more you think like the person in your vision, the more you will believe that you are, and the more successful you will be. Being is believing. 

Focusing Your Attention on Your Intention

Energy follows your attention. So focus your attention on your intention to energize your actions in alignment with your vision and values.

Intention, Attention, No Tension

To invite more positive responses in your thoughts and beliefs, set your intention for positive results. Put your attention on those results to invite opportunities to match what you want. Release any tension or stress around trying to force the results. 

Your attention is powerful. Not only do you want it on your intention, you also want it on what is happening right now. If you are focused on mistakes or negative events from the past, they could negatively impact your present choices. If you are focused on what ifs and worrying thoughts about the future, they could negatively impact your present choices. Focusing on the negatives in the past or possible future zaps your energy now. Cleanse your mental energy by shifting from past and future fears to living in the present.

Focus on all the positive things that you want to happen that are just as possible as the ones you worried about before. Focus on the current steps you can take that are in alignment of what you want to happen. Vibrate at the expansive energy level of your vision. Express yourself with confidence. Be present with what Is happening now as you take steps toward your vision. Being fully present is a gift you give yourself. So shift your mental energy from contractive to expansive thoughts and beliefs and focus your attention on your intention, which will enable you to present yourself confidently in all situations.


3 Gentle Approaches for Your Emotional Cleanse


4 Ways to Embrace Your Self-CARE