3 Powerful Connections for Optimal Natural Health
Nurturing all of your relationships empowers your three types of energetic connections.
Optimal Natural Health
In my blog 3 Keys to Optimal Natural Health, I explained that you need to energize your mind, heart and body to achieve your optimal natural health. In this blog, we’re going to focus on the second key - your heart - empower your heartfelt connections for emotional energy. Although these are heartfelt connections, they impact all areas of your life, so we’ll take a deeper look into each connection and its impact in each area.
Heart - Empowered Connections
Nurturing all of your relationships empowers your three types of energetic connections.
Your first type of connection is your relationship with yourself.
Your second type of connection is with other people.
Your third type of connection is with all LIFE.
Maintaining positive, harmonious relationships not only empowers your connections emotionally, but also influences your mental and physical aspects of life.
Connect With Yourself.
Nurture your relationship with yourself. Be your own best friend. When you think negative thoughts about yourself, you contract your mental, emotional and physical energy. Affirm the positive truth instead. You are an amazing human being, and you deserve to live life to its fullest, to experience all life has to offer during your journey. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Give yourself unconditional love. Commit to continuing to do your best to provide for yourself to fulfill your unique life purpose.
What do you say about yourself? Do your thoughts about yourself tend to be positive or negative? Do you focus on your accomplishments or what you haven’t achieved? Do you enjoy mutually supportive, loving relationships or do you feel unlovable? Do you feel healthy and energetic, with all the time, money and other resources you need, or do you think you’ll never have everything you want and need? Do you feel deserving or worthy of having a fulfilling life with a career you love, people you love and who love you, and abundant health and wealth?
Negative self-talk has a negative impact on your mental, emotional and physical health. Challenge any negative beliefs about yourself and replace them with positive truths. Your words are powerful. Be careful how you use them. If you say “I am sick and tired of…”, you will feel sick and tired and exhibit physical signs of being sick and tired. Any words you use after “I am” is a way of claiming that state of being for yourself. So choose some positive truths instead. Even a partial shift will help. If you are physically sick, then you can support recovery by saying, “Although I’m currently experiencing an illness, I am healing and will be well soon.” This shifts your focus and attention on healing rather than on being sick. Your body will respond accordingly.
Own Best Friend
What would you say to your best friend if she said she didn’t believe she could ever have a fulfilling life, that she didn’t feel she deserved it? You would probably help her see all the good things she has accomplished, the good relationships she already enjoys (including the one with you), and that she is doing well at the level of health and wealth that she has currently.
Love yourself! Embrace and accept your whole self, just as you are! You are exactly where you need to be on your journey of life. A baby doesn’t give up because she sees others walking, and she doesn’t yet know how. When she begins to walk, she doesn’t give up because she falls down. She keeps trying until she’s walking a step or two, then a lot further, and soon she’s running. Just because you haven’t achieved your vision yet doesn’t mean you can’t or won’t.
Self Care
Do you consider all your physical needs to be as important as your commitment to work and to your relationships? Do you treat proper nutrition and exercise as things you “should” do, but are too hard for you to fit in your schedule, or you just don’t want to give up the food and activities that you know are not good for you, but you feel stuck in a pattern of relying on?
Instead of approaching self care as a bunch of shoulds and chores that you resist, what if you came up with ideas that you would love to enjoy to get healthy? Rejuvenating nourishing rituals are any ideas that you would love to engage in regularly that would make you feel wonderful and improve your mental, emotional and physical health. When you choose to love yourself, it becomes easier to incorporate little healthy habits throughout the day that promote mental, emotional and physical health, such as claiming positive affirmations during your morning shower, setting intentions for positive outcomes before entering meetings, taking 5-minute breaks to breathe and stretch in the sunshine and fresh air, and expressing gratitude for all the little and big moments of your day.
Consciously connect with yourself each day and deeply listen to what your mind, heart and body are requesting of you.
Connect With Other People.
Nurture your relationships with your family members, friends, people at work and those in your community. Before meeting with anyone, you probably preview how the meeting will go and predict every problem that you might encounter. Instead, try sending love to those you are meeting with and set an intention for the meeting to go well. If a negative possibility sneaks in, imagine a positive solution to it. It’s just as easy to imagine a positive outcome as a negative one, and you’ll feel better. Your imagination does not distinguish between real and imagined, so why experience a negative possibility?
How do you see yourself relative to others? Do you compare yourself and feel that you fall short in some way? Or maybe you feel superior in some way? Or maybe you just feel different? Do you feel like you don’t fit in? Do you feel like you need to pretend to be someone you’re not or mask your true identity in some way? Do you feel out of sync with societal or workplace norms?
It can be challenging to be authentically you. Our culture has lots of guidelines about who fits into which groups and emphasizes competition over cooperation and collaboration. When you conform and do things that don’t match your values, you negatively impact your health. Honoring yourself and your values is important.
When you mask your authentic self to conform, you use a lot of time, energy and other resources trying to maintain this persona, which drains your mental, emotional and physical health. Choose to recharge your energy by making one small shift to be more authentic. Peeling off a layer of your masking will allow you to relax more, and others will often notice and feel more relaxed around you as well. When you’ve comfortably made one shift that was well-received, make another small shift. Continue this process until you are being fully authentic.
Do you feel alone or isolated and separate from others? Even when you’re surrounded by people? Do you feel like you have to do everything for yourself because nobody else will? Do you think that you are self-sufficient and totally independent? Or maybe totally dependent on others for everything? Any of these beliefs can make you feel lonely and isolated.
The truth is that we are all interdependent. If you think you are self sufficient because you have your own home or make your own meal, think a little deeper. You would not have that home or meal without all the people involved to make it possible. The home requires builders, lumber and tool suppliers, financial lenders, and lots of other people who helped to make it possible.
The meal requires farmers, packers, truckers, grocery store staff, and various others to make it possible. We are all interdependent with one another for every aspect of our lives. Recognizing this boosts your feeling of connection with others, which boosts your mental, emotional and physical health.
Conscious Collaborative Creation
Realizing your interdependence with others allows you to focus on what your contribution is to the whole world. What is your life purpose? You have a specific purpose that allows you to do your part to consciously collaboratively create this wonderful evolving world and our collective experience of it. Take some time to think about your life purpose. Then take consistent steps to fulfill it, surrounding yourself with your support system, and acting in alignment with your purpose.
Consciously connect with others each day; send them love and feel it return to you in an endless flow of unconditional love.
Connect With All LIFE.
Nurture your relationship with all LIFE. Spend time in nature. Whether you love the beach or the woods, or even your own backyard, spend time in the sunshine and fresh air. Connecting with LIFE itself can be achieved through various forms of meditation as well. Realizing you are an integral part of Oneness, you open to the flow of LIFE in and through you to the whole world in a matrix of unconditional love. Feel how expansive your energy is when you connect with the whole world.
Realizing your connection with all LIFE transforms you into a conscious co-creator. Continue to shift your beliefs that do not align the facts of your worthiness of a fulfilling life, loving interdependent relationships, and abundant health and wealth.
What stories do you tell about yourself? Do they tell stories of problems, isolation and lack? Create new stories that tell how you overcame challenges to get this far in your journey.
Share stories about all the people who have shared your journey with you. Some of my examples include family members who have various neurodivergencies and have taught me that love and success come in a variety of ways. As an academic therapist I worked with many students who demonstrated courage to face the challenges of stigmas and different abilities to successfully meet their academic goals.
Tell stories that show how what you thought was bad fortune turned out to be the best thing that ended up happening to you because of the gift you received at the other end of that event. One example I share is how my infertility led me to adopt my son, and I couldn’t imagine a life without my son. So I am grateful for the gift my infertility gave me, a new direction to become a mom. What gifts have you discovered after moving through a challenging time?
You have many talents to share with the world. They show up as intellectual, intuitive and instinctual talents, based in your mind, heart and body, and also as mental, emotional and physical talents. Claim your talents and continue to develop them. Share your talents with the world to fulfill your life purpose.
Remind yourself daily of your value, your purpose, your connections and your gratitudes. Affirm your truth! Claim your powerful connections with yourself, others and all LIFE!